Wednesday, July 28, 2010

And I'm back...

As you may have noticed, I took a little break from this blog. I was devoting a lot of time and energy to getting my local blog Capturing Como going. Plus the combination of potty training and summer vacation was killing me. I hadn't spent a lot of one on one time with the girls this past Spring and being faced with their delays was pretty hard.

But the biggest reason I took a break was some negative feedback I was getting. It wasn't really anything nasty or particularly pointed. But in my low state, it was crushing. Was I a bad mom for writing all this out? Were my kids really that bad? Was parenting really that hard?

The answer to the first question may still be up in the air but as for the next two, the answer is most definitely "HELL YES!" My kids are a handful and parenting is really hard. I will say it. I will admit it. And I will blog about it.

Hope you will still keeping reading it.


  1. Yes! Will keep reading, can't wait to read more! You rock Kate!

  2. Heck yeah. I really, really appreciate honesty in blogging. Also I envy you being able to put it all out there!!

  3. You are a FANTASTIC mom and don't believe anyone who would tell you otherwise! Parenting is freaking tough and everyone needs an outlet! You just happen to be a kick-ass writer who can see the humor in the everyday situations we as parents all face. I love your honesty. You're a great mom. 'Nuff said.

  4. It IS hard! I've been trying to force myself to keep up with my blog, because if I break for too long I'll just delete it (like I've done to so many other online accounts). Glad to see you're back! Chin up, and see you next week!

  5. I think I finally figured out how to comment here.
    I'm glad your back!

  6. I'm pretty new to your blog and I've really enjoyed it. I've laughed out loud at your posts particularly when it's something I can relate to. I've never once gotten the feeling that you don't love your family or were a bad mom. I definitely will continue to visit this blog as long as you decide to share it with us.

  7. Yay, you are back. I love that you are REAL. Nothing drives me more batty than people who only gush about how perfect and adorable their kids are. I mean, I love my kids, I think they are adorable, and probably say it too much, but they also drive me nuts, and people who only talk about how perfect theirs are make me feel like I am doing something wrong. I love knowing that I am not alone. Keep it up.

  8. Welcome back and shit.
