Blogs I Read, You Should Read Them Too!

People I know.....

Kellyology : also know as my sister-in-law, funny writing about just about everything.
The Chocolate and the Cheese: This chick was my MSP bestie. Miss her everyday. Every mom needs a friend like MP.
Building International Coaltions Through Beer and Pavement: Zac is always trying to show me up by being a much cooler parent than me. Jerk.
Casa Caudill: I've known Becky online for years and always love checking her blog out for to see the visuals from her travels and gorgeous home.
Players to be Names Later

Twitter friends
Ask Moxie : Love her parenting advice, love her parenting philosophies.
Sex and the Single Dad : This blog always keeps me laughing. Someday I will get a beer with JR, and not the crappy ones he likes to drink.
Me and Mine: Allison doesn't know it but I am plotting a move to Houston so I can be her best friend. Hope she doesn't read this before BlogHer and strap a restraining order on me.
Life Music & Laughter by @Amethyst_M
meg's a mommy by @megsamommy

Blogs That Make Me Happy
Enjoying the Small Things
Mila's Daydreams
Color Me Katie